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Dave Matthews address Boyd Tinsley's Hiatus

(Photo: Getty)

Dave Matthews sat down for a conversation with Vulture, a long long conversation/ interview and he discussed a number of topics. Mainly everyone's been wanting to know what's up w/ Boyd's "hiatus", and what does it mean for the future of the band.

Read more here via Vulture 

When asked about how Matthews and the band intended to move forward in Tinsley’s absence, the singer, songwriter and musician said explained:

I have a deep love for Boyd, and he has to deal with his stuff. In many ways I’m sure it would’ve been a lot easier for him to just say, “I’m good. Let’s go play.” But you can’t just throw yourself away, your wellness away, because you play violin in a band. It doesn’t make any sense to do that.

Matthews added:

I’m used to turning to my right and seeing him going bananas — some days doing it better than other days. You know there’s that idea of genius as something that, like, comes into a room through the window and into a person rather than lives in the person all the time? Sometimes I’d hear Boyd and I’d be like, Holy shit, you are good. Other times it’d be like, Clearly today you left the window closed. But that’s beside the point. We’re all like that. I have terrible nights. The answer is that I don’t know how it’s going to be without him there.”

And are there plans for him to come back? 

I can’t say, “I can’t wait till he comes back,” because I don’t know what’s going to happen. But right now being away is better for him. Nobody is happy about this situation. Except that we’re happy he can figure some stuff out. I hope he does. But I’m going to miss having that whirling-dervish Adonis-Muppet over there on my right. I know the audience is, too. But we can’t serve that desire.

Also, more reason to love Dave is this part of the interview: 

The discomfort you’ve talked about almost makes it sound as if you feel guilty about what you’ve achieved. Is there any way in which the tragedy and the guilt are connected?

It’s an interesting question, because I think about the injustice of things. I wonder why I’ve been so fortunate when I’m as undeserving as anybody. When I hear people that are excessively wealthy or excessively successful saying, “Well, I’ve worked for everything I have…” Hang on one second. What are you talking about? You think you’re working harder than the guy who digs ditches for a living? Trade places with him for a week and then talk to me how hard you worked. Again, I’m so grateful for what I have, but the amount I’ve been rewarded does not square with my beliefs. It’s hard to wrap my head around how perversely well-paid I amMatthews has an estimated net worth of over $300 million. In addition to their six straight Billboard-topping releases from 1998 to 2012, DMB has kept ticket prices and production budgets lower than other firework-heavy stadium headliners. And they sell a ton of merch. . But I do think in my actions — in going out and bringing people joy with music — that there’s good purpose in what I do.

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