Uber shares a list of the weirdest things passengers have left behind

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According to UBER 2024 Lost & Found Index

Uber has just shared a list of the weirdest things passengers have left behind. And as expected, the list did not disappoint.

Items include hot sauce and a breathalyzer, two containers with spiders in them, a tray of meat pie, a candle that says 'See you in court, Waist beads and a burrito steamer, Contraceptive Plan B from Costco and a BaBylissPRO massager machine, a Bravo Con wristband, a Fake butt, My father's beard softener, a Paternity test, and a large sticker with a dancing cartoon cat that says 'Spanky Fest' on it.

They also shared the list of:

Top 10 most commonly forgotten items
Top 10 most "forgetful" cities
The 50 "most unique" lost items... & a ton more!

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